Kumquaty It

let food be thy medicine

Low Carb Pizza! (grain free/sweetener free) January 22, 2013

Filed under: Recipes — kumquaty @ 12:15 pm
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I miss pizza ….cauliflower pizza was a bit of a fail the cauliflower had too strong of a sulfur flavor but this was pretty good. I have gluten free pizza flour that I haven’t tried yet in my break in case of emergency craving store but it’s pretty high in carbs and I’m not cutting back on wheat because I’m gluten intolerant but for overall better health this pizza was a win

Kumquaty Breakfast “Pizza”

6 eggs
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp italian seasoning (or 1/2 and 1/2 basil, oregano)
pinch salt
1 package mozzarella cheese
tomato/ pasta sauce (I forgot to buy some so I used tomato paste and thinned it with garlic olive oil and some water)

and any pizza toppings you like! I choose

pepperoni (I like applegate)
green pepper

Preheat oven 350 degrees. Beat the eggs with the spices and salt. Pour into greased pie dish and bake for about 10 minutes or until set. Take out of oven spread with tomato sauce (don’t use too much you don’t want it to run everywhere). Top with cheese and toppings of choice. Yum! pizza for breakfast or anytime.