Kumquaty It

let food be thy medicine

Kumquaty Garden! May 16, 2013

Filed under: Random-nocity — kumquaty @ 7:14 am
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We’ve had some crazy weather but spring has finely sprung, too bad its pretty much summer already


from container to kitchen- D.J. Herda- Book Review February 1, 2013

Filed under: Reviews — kumquaty @ 8:06 am
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container to kitchen

from container to kitchen

3 out of 5 stars

*A nice beginners book/reference manual
*I like the tips and anecdotes
*The pictures are nothing worth calling home to mom to which was unexpected since the cover is so nice
*very informative on the basics

I have tried having a garden several times since living on my own. The first attempt with just a 3×3 ft area of dirt where I rented turned out pretty well. Now that I have a whole yard to work with I have had 2 years of fails. The biggest problem is in the heat of summer I don’t feel like dragging a hose out to the edge of my yard every other nite after work to water. So I’m going to try to container garden on my patio (my coworker who had boatloads of tomatoes last year thought it was hilarious that I refused to water my garden and only got a handful of veggies…what they aren’t my children tell them to water themselves)….hose is in close reach, I don’t have to walk very far in the heat, and I can keep my eye smaller than my watering bucket….The books begins by telling you the general health benefits of just involving yourself with or in nature more. It even references a study on postoperative heart patients that showed that just looking at a landscape painting while in the hospital led to a lower incidence of anxiety and a greater tolerance of everyday aches and pains. I love seeing something grow big from something so little, and it’s nice to see results from care you give into something…and they give such nice tasty gifts back…So this year I’m trying Container Gardening!

“When you are looking intensely at something, or you bend down to smell something, you bypass the function of the mind,” she said. You naturally stop thinking, obsessing, worrying. Your senses are awakened, which brings you to the present moment, and this has been shown to be very effective at reducing stress”

To buy the book yourself you can go here…or here for the kindle version….and I will receive a small portion of the proceeds